Sunday, January 25, 2009


To blog or not to blog? This is the definate questin that has been plauging my mind since the last time I posted. Up until today the latter won out. But today I thought I'd fulfil that obligation I have been avoiding at get something down. So here it goes.

First off, anyone ever heard of the book Tripmaster Monkey? Neither had I until this particular Postwar American Fiction class. It is a complicated read but so far I am enjoying it. The author has a sense of humour that I appreciate and references many things I also understand. If you are looking for something far different than anything you usually read this may be a good place to start.

Moving right along, I am currently listening to the song The World is Not Enough by the band Garbage. Sound familiar. It should. It was the title theme for the bond film of the same name. Now I bring this up for two reasons, firstly I was just checking out the top 99 hotest women list and Olga Kurylenko from the latest bond film made it onto it. Check out others on the list here: . Secondly, if your intersted the song has also done by a relatively unknown band by the name of Straw. I enjoy this version as well and if your a bond fan I suggest you look it up. Could be hard to find but I know you can find it on youtube. Well thats all for today.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

To keep Nathan happy

I am posting, yet I have nothing to say. Shocking, no?

Busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy. That's this semester. Busy. Six courses is not a pleasant workload. I dislikes it bunches. And group projects can go to hell. Argh, I dislikes them.

On the other hand, I like explosions. I want to explode something, yet I have nothing to explode. This saddens me greatly.

On another note, I'm tempted to update my profile to describe myself a bit. I was thinking of putting something like this down:

Warm, caring, outgoing university student seeks fearless fans/potential volunteer corps militia for walks on the beach, long discussions on books, scifi, delicious cuisine, and world domination. Candidates should be honest, intelligent, and good with laser rifles.


I'd like to post more, but I have several hundred pages to read right now, so I'll have to get back to y'all.



Thursday, January 15, 2009


Sometimes you have it sometimes you don't. Today I don't really have it but it has been a while since I posted so I have decided to an experiment in stream of conciousness writing. Good luck figuring it out.

Wow I like Avenged Sevenfold. They are a great band to listen to while typing a blog. Sometimes ya just need that hard rock ya know? Even if you don't I'm sure there is certain music you go to in certain moods. Music is part of my soul. Currently while I type this blog I chat away on msn. A conversation I with a friend. Found out its a small world. I know someone he knows, don't know if she knows. Who knows?

Been philosophizing about life. Came to many different conclusions. I've never had a definitive goal in life or plan after graduation. Is it wrong to fly by the seat of your pants take what you feel. Yet I have always been stuck to a schedule at the same time i'm flexible too. Indeed wierd. (Stream of conciousness isn't working as good as I'd hoped but at least it is a fsst post) Oh well. I think i'm done for the day.


Saturday, January 10, 2009


So it appears that I have been absent of late. Oops. My bad. I have been notoriously busy with the crap that the university decided to pile on me last week. It's beginning to look like it can all be sorted out, but it's been a hair pulling experience, that's for sure. My advice to anyone who is planning on graduating within the next year or so: confirm EVERYTHING ahead of time. Like... NOW! Talk to career people straight away. Get everything going at this minute. If you give it some time, you could be screwed like I was. The only reason I got it sorted out is because I have an awesome prof in charge of the program who was excellent for dealing with issues. So get on it, people. Now.

Anyways. Today I shall talk about... erm... perhaps this is why I haven't updated in a while. I have no idea what to talk about.

I bought new shoes today. That took me a very long time to do. Rubbed my fingers raw in so doing. It was painful. But I have new shoes, and they are very comfortable. They shall go well with the backpack that I purchased a week or so ago, which is about the size of a garbage can. The thing is massive and beautiful. I loves it.

Yeah. I'm brain dead. I have a good idea of what I'll talk about tomorrow, but I'm too dead to say it now. So until tomorrow, keep it snazzy, people.


The Gnome Poem

Poetry (and i hate the conotations that come with that word but there is no other word out there that fits) seems to be just popping into my mind these days and so I continue to write it down. All of these are in rough and subject to change but whatever. Here is the latest written while covering the hostesses break at the restaurant:

If I were a gnome where would I go?
Up to the mountains all covered in snow.
Or maybe a gardin al grassy and greem
to hide in the tomatoes where I'd never be seen.
Or maybe I'd lie on a beach by the sea,
But a sandy gnome is a concept brand new to me.
I could Hijack a ship and sail the world,
A bycaneering barnicle boat sails unfurled.
I'd land in Ireland a right magic place
And dance a jig with the Leprechaun race.
But gnome I am not I say with great woe,
And stuck at this hostest stand with no place to go!


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Excercise: A Lament

Excercise a great lament,
From my soul a heartfelt vent:

Excercise I love you so,
From the top of my head,
To the low wriggling toe,
Your good for me, this I know
But how to convince my body so?

The pain inside is good for me
And keeps me growing strong
At least thats how it's posed to be
My body's inclined to disagree
As far as the senses like to see.

If its good then why the pain
A reason to ignore the trial
My body cries are you insane
My ramblings tend to be inane
And my interest starts to wane.

And thus excercise I do lament,
The fact I need you so,
For even with my best intent
I never seem to put a dent
Nor know where my time has went

To keep fit and stay it for long
Despair I feel, a sorrowfull song.


Sunday, January 4, 2009


The art of being creative is not something I spend a lot of time thinking about. It seems to come naturally to me I just sit for a long enough period of time and ideas fly through my head. Given enough time I will always find something to write about. But there are two things that always prove my nemesis. First if I have a short period of time to think about what I am doing, eg a blog which I do daily. And second procrastination.

The first I am attempting to overcome with projects like the blog and Shadowrun but the latter still gives me problems. Procrastination is so bad for me that I actually have a heirarchy of procrastination. I will do almost anything to avoid school work or study but the things which I would do to avoid school work and study, such as read that other book I have always wanted to read or exercising or cleaning, get procrastinated away when I actually have time due to going out with friends or wasting time on the computer. Its not that I have a problem with reading or cleaning or exercising its just that I am easy to persuade to do something that requires no thinking at all.

Now how do I go about tackiling this problem? I recognize that I have it which is supposed to be the first step but even now I am procrastinating excercising, housecleaning and school reading to write this blog. Unless I have one of my rare days of drive I don't escape the cycle of procrastination and certain things just don't get done. I don't have an answer that is satisfactory for this question yet so I will have to leave this blog a frustrated ramble as opossed to an advice offering solution. Argh!
